Valid, solid, persuasive, persuasive, insightful means having such power that serious attention and generally acceptance are forced. Valid means being supported by objective truth or generally accepted authority. A valid wedding tone implies a basis for impeccable reasoning or a solid foundation. A reasonable proposal to revive the economy may emphasize either the weight of solid arguments and evidence, or clarity of presentation. The prosecutor`s convincing summary, convinced by the jury, suggests a power to overcome doubt, resistance or reluctance. A compelling case for welfare reform emphasizes an immediate and decisive effect that goes to the heart of a problem. a striking example of bureaucratic waste French probe, from Middle French, literal-sounding line Find out which words work together and create more natural English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app. English contains several sound homographs, all with different stories. For example, the sound, which means “something heard,” comes from the Latin sonus (“sound”), while the sound, which means “to measure the depth of water,” goes back to the old French probe (“sounding line”). Another sound, however, is the contemporary form of healthy Old English.
Healthy is related to several words in other languages, such as Old Saxon gisund (“sound”), Old Frisian sund (“fresh, intact, healthy”) and Gothic swinths (“sound” or “healthy”). Another relative is the Old High German gisunt (“healthy”), which led to the healthy new German, the root of health. Middle English, Middle French but, Old French *special survey line, probably Old English or Middle English sund- (as in the Sundlīne soundline of Old English) from the sea of sun Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press! Find the answers online with Practical English Usage, your go-to guide to problems in English. Theme music by Joshua Stamper ©2006 New Jerusalem Music/ASCAP.